continuing f-1

We have launched a new portal for all F-1 requests. You can access MyBruin International using the button below to submit your requests. Our current document processing timeline is 10 business days.

MyBruin International Portal

Currently enrolled UCLA F-1 students are responsible for maintaining their F-1 status during their UCLA degree program and are eligible for the following benefits and services from the Dashew Center.

Students who would like to submit requests or who have questions regarding their visa status may schedule an appointment with an F-1 Counselor from 10AM - 12PM or 2PM - 4PM Monday through Friday. Please visit to schedule an appointment with an F-1 Counselor.

Maintaining F-1 Status

Once you have completed your mandatory post arrival status check-in and visa workshop requirements at UCLA, it is your responsibility to review and understand Dashew Center's guidelines for maintaining valid F-1 status to ensure compliance with F-1 visa regulations during your academic program.

Failure to comply with F-1 regulations may result in the termination of your F-1 status and loss of future eligibility to enter the U.S.

Full-time Enrollment

F-1 students are required to maintain full-time enrollment and make normal academic progress toward completion of their degree program.

  • Undergraduate Students: minimum of 12 units per academic quarter (students are not required to enroll full-time for Summer term).
  • Graduate Students : minimum of 8-12 units per academic quarter (please check with your department for full-time course load unit requirements).

* F-1 students must have full-time enrollment for each academic quarter, which may include only one online class to be counted towards their full-time enrollment. If your courses include lectures and discussion sessions, the lecture component must be in-person and noted in your official student enrollment records.

* Students who are in their final quarter of degree completion are not required to have full-time enrollment. However, students do need to complete and submit a final quarter RCL Request E-Form request to the Dashew Center by quarter add/drop deadline for maintaining status. Please note, your final quarter enrollment must include in-person course(s).

Failure to maintain full-time enrollment requirement during your program will result in severe consequences for your F-1 status.

F-1 students are not allowed to drop below full-time enrollment without receiving prior authorization for a Reduced Course Load (RCL) from Dashew Center.

Address Reporting

F-1 students are required to maintain a valid local U.S. address, overseas address, U.S. telephone number, overseas telephone number, and e-mail address at all times during their studies at UCLA. Upon arrival to UCLA, please log in to MyBruin International portal to update your U.S. local contact information. Update your contact information as follows:

Note: Updating your local U.S. contact information in MyBruin International portal is very important. Dashew Center cannot validate your arrival and F-1 status with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security until your information has been updated. Failure to report your local U.S. contact information in a timely manner can result in termination of your F-1 status.

Valid Passport

F-1 students must maintain a valid passport at all times. Your passport must always be valid for at least 6 months into the future.

Program Completion

F-1 students are allowed an additional 60-day grace period after their program completion date to prepare for their departure from the U.S., transfer to another U.S. school/degree program, or change their visa status in the U.S. During the grace period, employment or full-time study is not allowed.

Upon departure from the U.S. during these 60 days, the F-1 visa status automatically expires and you will not be able to re-enter the U.S. to reclaim the rest of your grace period time.

Services for Continuing Students

I-20 Extension

F-1 students who are unable to complete their degree requirements by the end date indicated on their current UCLA I-20 may request an I-20 extension for the following reasons:

  • Change of major
  • Need more time to complete thesis/dissertation
  • Change in the research topic
  • Unforeseen circumstances

To request an I-20 Extension, please submit the I-20 Extension Request E-Form

* Note: Additional documentation than those outlined above may be required for an I-20 extension to be granted.

* I-20s may be extended for a maximum of one academic year at a time. Students who require an extension of more than one academic year must submit another I-20 Extension Request the following year.

* Students who are changing their degree level at UCLA (i.e. Bachelors to Master’s, Master’s to Doctorate, etc.) must submit a Change of Education Level I-20 Request instead of an I-20 Extension Request.

Reduced Course Load

F-1 students may be authorized by Dashew Center to drop below full-time enrollment for the following circumstances:

  • Academic Difficulty: student has difficulties with a course due to improper course placement, initial difficulty with reading requirements, or unfamiliarity with UCLA teaching methods (this reason can only be used once during the degree program).
  • Illness/Medical Condition: student has medical condition (medical doctor's recommendation letter required).
  • Final Quarter at UCLA: student has less units remaining to complete their program than is required to maintain full-time enrollment.

To request authorization for a Reduced Course Load (RCL), please submit the RCL Request E-Form:

* Academic Difficulty RCL:Students must maintain at least 50% of full-time enrollment. Dashew Center must receive the complete RCL E-Form before quarter end date.
* Medical RCL: Obtain a support letter from a U.S. medical doctor recommending you to drop below full-time enrollment or drop all enrollment for a specific academic term due to a medical condition.
* Final Quarter RCL:Students must be enrolled in at least one degree required course during their final quarter.

  • Dashew Center must receive your completed Final Quarter RCL Requests by the end of Week 2 of the quarter you will be dropping below full-time enrollment. An F-1 Counselor will confirm your RCL authorization after your request has been accepted.

Students must always obtain authorization from Dashew Center prior to dropping below full-time enrollment.

I-20 Request

Dashew Center can issue an F-1 student a new I-20 for the following reasons:

I-20 Update

  • Change of Major
  • Change of Funding
  • Name Change
  • Change of Country of Citizenship
  • Add a Second Major
  • OPT Approved/Update (e.g. change of OPT status, employment update)
  • STEM OPT Extension Approved

Other I-20 Requests

  • Change of Education Level (COEL)
  • Add F-2 dependent (spouse or children)
  • Returning from Leave of Absence / Readmission

SEVIS Transfer

If you have been admitted to an F-1 program at another U.S. institution that will begin within 5 months of your last date of enrollment at UCLA or your last date of OPT employment, you must request a SEVIS Transfer Out from Dashew Center to transfer your SEVIS record to your new institution so they can issue you a new I-20.

To request a SEVIS Transfer Out, please submit a SEVIS Transfer-Out Request eform in MyBruin International.

* Note: Students who are not completing their degree program at UCLA and would like to transfer to another U.S. institution must submit their SEVIS Transfer Out Request to Dashew Center prior to the start date of the UCLA academic term they do not plan to enroll to be transferred out in good-standing.

* Students who have completed their degree program have a 60-day grace period to legally remain within the U.S. after their degree completion. Students must submit their SEVIS Transfer Out Request to Dashew Center before the end of their 60-day grace period to be transferred out in good-standing.

Leave of Absence

F-1 students who are not planning to enroll for an academic term (Fall, Winter, or Spring quarter) for personal or academic reasons must meet with an F-1 Counselor during a scheduled appointment to discuss their eligibility for a leave of absence and its consequences for maintaining F-1 status.

Registration In-Absentia

Eligible F-1 graduate students planning to engage in degree-related research 100 miles or more away from UCLA will be eligible to maintain F-1 status through registration in-absentia.

To request Dashew Center approval for your Registration In-Absentia, please complete the In Absentia Registration Petition and obtain your departmental signatures before requesting a signature from Dashew Center. Once you have received the appropriate signatures from your department, please contact the Dashew Center to schedule an appointment with Tina Nguyen, Associate Director of Student Visa Service for more details.

Travel Authorization

F-1 students traveling outside of the United States must have a valid travel authorization signature endorsed on page 2 of their UCLA I-20 when re-entering the U.S. in valid F-1 status.

For currently enrolled students, each travel authorization signature is valid for one year from the date it was last signed and must be valid at the time of re-entry to the U.S.

For students on OPT (Optional Practical Training) or STEM OPT Extension, travel signatures are valid for six months from the dateit was last signed and must be valid at the time of re-entry to the U.S.

F-1 students must present the following documents at their port of entry to re-enter the U.S.:

• Valid Passport (must be valid for at least 6 months into the future)
• Valid F-1 Visa (Canadian citizens exempt)
• Valid UCLA I-20 with travel authorization signature(must present printout of I-20)

In addition to the above mentioned travel documents, students on OPT or STEM OPT Extension, must also present:

• Valid EAD Card
• Employment Offer Letter / Employment Verification Letter

To request a new travel authorization signature, please submit the Travel Authorization Request E-Form at least 10 business days prior to your scheduled travel date. Your endorsed I-20 will be issued 10 business days after the date of submission.

* Note: OPT and STEM OPT Extension students must also complete their SEVP Portal reporting and submit copies of the front and back of their Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card with their Travel Authorization Request.

* F-2 dependents also require valid travel authorization signatures for re-entry to the U.S.

Automatic Visa Revalidation

Eligible F-1 students with expired F-1 visas may be able to re-enter the U.S. in valid F-1 status with Automatic Visa Revalidation. Please click here for eligibility requirements.



F-1 students are eligible to work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) during the academic year and full-time (more than 20 hours per week) during vacation terms (e.g. Summer or Winter break).

On-campus employment may include teaching assistantships, research assistantships, reader appointments, or student positions at the campus library, bookstore, food/dining services, etc.

F-1 students may work on-campus without obtaining employment authorization from the Dashew Center or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

F-1 students may not engage in off-campus employment (including paid and unpaid internships) before receiving proper employment authorization from the Dashew Center or USCIS (see CPT and OPT sections).

To receive wages and file taxes, you will need a Social Security Number (SSN). If you already have one, you do not need to apply for another SSN. If you do not have an SSN and will receive wages, you will need to apply for one from the Social Security Administration (SSA). For more information, please see the Social Security Letter section below.

* Note: F-1 students are not eligible for federally-funded work-study appointments.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is employment authorization that allows F-1 students to engage in an off-campus academic internships or employment (paid or unpaid) that is a required or integral part of their academic curriculum.

CPT Types:

  • Part-time: up to 20 hours per week during the academic year (Fall, Winter and Spring)
  • Full-time: more than 20 hours or more per week (only available during the Summer)

For eligibility requirements and application instructions, please review the CPT Guidelines and CPT Workshop below:

CPT authorization dates must occur within UCLA academic term start and end dates. Click here for the UCLA Academic Calendar.

To apply for CPT, submit a completed CPT Request E-Form. Please allow 10 business days for processing.

*Students who are authorized for CPT to engage in off-campus employment during fall, winter, spring, or summer terms must maintain active enrollment in the internship course in order to remain in compliance with F-1 status conditions. Dropping the internship course at any time, intentionally or unintentionally, will constitute violation of the F-1 status compliance requirements and their SEVIS record / I-20 will be terminated as required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

To apply for OPT, students must first request an OPT I-20 from the Dashew Center and follow the OPT Application Submission Instructions to submit your OPT application materials to USCIS. For more information, please see the OPT Guidelines and OPT Workshop.

Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) is available to eligible F-1 students interested in engaging in employment in the U.S. directly related to their field of study after their degree completion. F-1 students are eligible for an initial 12 months of OPT per higher degree level achieved.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • One Year of F-1 Status:
    Students must have maintained F-1 status for at least one academic year
  • Previous OPT Approval:
    Students must not have had previous OPT authorization for the same degree level
  • CPT:
    Students must not have accrued 12 months of full-time Curricular Practical Training (CPT) authorization for the same degree level

Application Timeline:

OPT applications may be submitted to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for processing as early as (but no earlier than) 90 days before a student’s program completion date. Please note that USCIS requires approximately 3 to 4 months to approve an OPT application. It is highly recommended that students submit their OPT I-20 request to Dashew Center at least 3 months before their requested OPT start date.

OPT Administrative Processing Fee:

The OPT Administrative Processing Fee is required for Dashew Center to maintain systems required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to maintain a student’s F-1 SEVIS record during their OPT period.

SEVIS maintenance fees are covered for current, enrolled UCLA students through their UCLA enrollment fees. Since students will not be enrolled at UCLA during their OPT period, they will be charged an OPT Administrative Processing Fee during their OPT period to allow Dashew Center to process F-1 benefits such as travel authorization, Cap-Gap I-20 Requests, and OPT employment and address reporting.

Students are required to pay the OPT Administrative Processing Fee each time they apply for Post-Completion OPT or the STEM OPT Extension:

OPT Reporting:

F-1 students engaging in Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT) must report their employment status and any changes to their address or phone number within 10 days of the change through the SEVP Portal :

  • Employment Status: Report your current employer’s information, employment start date, and previous employment end date (if applicable).
  • Address and Phone Number Change: Report your current U.S. residential address and local phone number.

STEM OPT Extension

Eligible F-1 students who have completed a designated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degree may be eligible to apply for a 24-month STEM OPT Extension. For a list of designated STEM degrees, please click here.

To be eligible for the 24-month STEM OPT Extension, students:

  • Must be in their initial, 12-month Post- Completion OPT period (EAD card must not have already expired).
  • Must have completed a designated STEM degree.
  • Must not have exceeded 90 days of unemployment time during their initial, 12-month OPT period.
  • Must have a bona fide employer-employee relationship with an employer enrolled in E-Verify (self-employment not eligible).
  • Must have a paid, full-time employment offer (20 or more hours per week) for a position directly related to their field of study and appropriate for their degree level. Volunteer/unpaid positions not eligible.

To apply for the OPT STEM Extension, please review the STEM OPT Extension Guidelines and STEM OPT Extension Workshop.

STEM OPT Extension Administrative Processing Fee:

The OPT Administrative Processing Fee is required for DCISS to maintain systems required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to maintain a student’s F-1 SEVIS record during their STEM OPT Extension period.

SEVIS maintenance fees are covered for current, enrolled UCLA students through their UCLA enrollment fees. Since students will not be enrolled at UCLA during their OPT/STEM OPT Extension period, they will be charged an OPT Administrative Processing Fee during their OPT period to allow DCISS to process F-1 benefits such as travel authorization, I-20 Requests, and STEM OPT Extension employment and address reporting.

Students are required to pay the OPT/STEM OPT Extension Administrative Processing Fee each time they apply for Post-Completion OPT or the STEM OPT Extension:

STEM OPT Extension Reporting Requirements:

Students with STEM OPT Extension authorization must report the following information within 10 days of any change to maintain valid F-1 status during their STEM OPT Extension period. To report any changes, please complete the STEM Update Employment Information E-Form.

  • Changes to their legal name
  • Updates to their residential address
  • Employer's name and address
  • Status of current employment
  • Self-evaluations
  • Specify the evaluation date range (e.g. the timeline considered during the evaluation)
  • Assess their overall performance using the measures identified in the agreed-upon training plan
  • Evaluate their success in applying and acquiring the knowledge, skills, and competencies that were previously identified in the Training Plan.
  • Discuss accomplishments, successful projects, overall contributions, etc., that occurred during the specified review period
  • Address whether there are any modifications to the objectives and goals for projects or new areas for skill and competency development
  • Unemployment
  • Material changes to an existing Form I-983
  • Material changes include (but are not limited to): any change of the employer's EIN, any reduction in student compensation that is not tied to a reduction in hours work, any significant decrease in hours per week that a student engages in a STEM training opportunity, changes to the employer's commitments or student's learning objectives as documented on the Form I-983.
  • Changing employers
  • Employer non-compliance

Reporting Timeline:

Students engaging in the STEM OPT Extension must submit validation reports at the 6, 12, 18 and 24-month marks of their STEM OPT Extension period. To submit a validation report, please submit the following documents via email to )

Cap Gap Extension/Transition to H-1B

A “Cap Gap” extension is a period in which an eligible F-1 student’s status is automatically extended to bridge the gap between the end of their F-1 status and the beginning of their H-1B status. The most common situation occurs when a student’s OPT ends in early spring or summer, and the 60-day grace period following the completion of their OPT ends before their H-1B status, creating a gap in status. A Cap Gap I-20 can be issued by DCISS to extend an F-1 student’s authorized period of stay in the U.S. and OPT employment authorization until the start of their H-1B status (student will not receive a new EAD).

To request a Cap Gap I-20, please submit the Cap-Gap I-20 Request E-Form.

Additional Services

Certification of Status Letter

F-1 students who need certification that they holding valid F-1 status and in good standing at UCLA can request a Certification of Status (CoS) letter from Dashew Center. The CoS can assist students with visa renewals, passport renewals, and the transmission of funds, etc.

To request a CoS, please submit a CoS Request E-Form to Dashew Center (no appointment required). Your CoS will be processed in 10 business days after the date of submission.

* Note: Dashew Center CoS letters do not verify academic status, course enrollment, or registration (fee payments). For Verification Transcripts, Academic Transcripts, or Official Transcripts please contact the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) Letter

F-1 students receiving fellowships, scholarships, or grants must have a SSN or an ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) to access GLACIER and report such awards to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax purposes.

F-1 students who are receiving awards, but are currently not eligible for a SSN must instead apply for an ITIN.

To request an ITIN:

  • Step 1: Obtain an Award Letter
    Obtain an official scholarship/fellowship/grant award letter indicating the type of award, amount, and term of the award (provided by the awarding organization or academic department).
  • Step 2: Submit ITIN Request E-Form and Award Letter to Dashew Center
    Submit a completed ITIN Request form and your official award letter to Dashew Center (no appointment required). Your ITIN Eligibility Letter will be processed in 10 business days after the date of submission.
  • Step 3: Schedule an Appointment with UCLA Tax Services
  • Take the following documents to your appointment with UCLA Tax Services:
  • Dashew Center ITIN Eligibility Support Letter
  • Scholarship/Fellowship/Grant Award Letter(s)
  • UCLA I-20
  • Passport
  • * To schedule an appointment with UCLA Tax Services personnel, please call 310-794-0538.

* Note: You only need to apply for an ITIN if you are currently ineligible for a SSN. If you are eligible for a SSN, you do not need to apply for an ITIN. If you are currently receiving awards but plan to work in future quarters, then you must first apply for an ITIN first, and upon receiving your job offer in the future, apply for an SSN.

Social Security Letter

A Social Security Number (SSN) is required to receive wages, file taxes, and receive some types of government services in the U.S. Private industries such as mobile phone retailers, banks, apartment management companies, etc. may also require that you have a SSN to utilize their services.

F-1 students are only eligible for a Social Security Number (SSN) if they have a paid job offer through on-campus employment or authorized off-campus employment. To request a SSN:

  • Step 1: Obtain an Employment Verification/Offer Letter
    Obtain an employment verification/offer letter from an on-campus or off-campus employer (valid off-campus employment authorization required). The letter must be on official employer letterhead and include your job title, dates of employment, number of hours of work per week, and location of employment. For a sample, please see Sample Employment Verification Letter.
  • Step 2: Submit a Social Security Letter Request E-Form to Dashew Center
  • Step 3: Apply for a SSN at the Social Security Administration
    Review the SSN Guidelines for instructions on how to apply for a SSN at a Social Security Administration Office

Click here to locate your nearest Social Security Administration Office.

* Note: The earliest you can request a Social Security Letter from Dashew Center and a SSN from the Social Security Administration is 45 days before your paid employment start date.

* If you are receiving scholarships, fellowships, or grants, but are currently ineligible for an SSN, then you must instead apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Invitation Letter

Dashew Center does not provide family invitation letters for B-1/B-2 visitor visas. The U.S. Department of State does not consider invitation letters when determining whether to issue or deny a visa:

" Visa applicants must qualify on the basis of the applicant's residence and ties abroad, rather than assurances from U.S. family and friends. A letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support is not needed to apply for a visitor visa. If you choose to bring a letter of invitation or Affidavit of Support to your interview, please remember it is not one of the factors used in determining whether to issue or deny the visa. " -

Students who would like to write their own invitation letters for their family members can use the Sample Invitation Letter template here.

Concurrent Enrollment Letter

F-1 students may concurrently enroll at UCLA and a California Community College (or other U.S. institution) under the following circumstances:

  • During the Academic Year (Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters): while maintaining full-time enrollment at UCLA (course units enrolled concurrently at a community college or other U.S. institution do not count toward full-time enrollment at UCLA).
  • While Engaging in OPT: for incidental study only. Courses taken at a community college (or other U.S. institution) may not lead to a degree or be part of an academic program.
    *Students who begin their program in Summer (I-20 must have a summer start date) must be enrolled full-time in UCLA Summer Sessions courses for concurrent enrollment approval.

To request a Concurrent Enrollment letter, please submit a Concurrent Enrollment Request E-Form to Dashew Center (no appointment required). Please list all course title(s) and name(s) on the request e-form. Your Concurrent Enrollment Eligibility Letter will be processed in 10 business days from the date of submission.