Volunteering is a great opportunity for you to get involved in your host community, build relationships with community members, and network.

Volunteer Resources

UCLA Volunteer Center

Doing anything from volunteering to help someone with their homework to feeding the homeless, there are so many opportunities for you to get involved and show your UC LA pride. The volunteer provides a wide range of services, including a list of specific volunteer options catered to your preferences (e.g. Health volunteer options). To find out about all of the ways you can volunteer both on and off campus go to the UCLA Volunteer website.

UCLA Volunteer Day

Each year before the start of the Fall Quarter UCLA gets thousands of students together to volunteer all over the city. Transportation is provided to wherever you go to volunteer so all you have to do is concentrate on volunteering and having fun with your new Bruin friends while you’re at it! See when the nextUCLA Volunteer Day is.

L.A. Volunteer Opportunities

In addition to UCLA's Volunteer Center there are many organizations in the Los Angeles area where you can find opportunities to help local communities and develop your professional skills.

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