Visiting Professors/Researchers/Short-Term Scholars/Specialists on J-1 visa status at UCLA are authorized to receive compensation or salaries from UCLA for employment when such activities are part of their program. Any activity that that involves remuneration of any kind from an institution outside of UCLA must be authorized by the Dashew Center in writing before the activity takes place.

According to U.S Department of State regulations, off-campus employment for monetary remuneration of Visiting Scholars/Professors is limited to:

  • Occasional lectures
  • Short-term Consultations
  • Short-term activities (e.g. conference participation, meetings) involving travel reimbursement: Receiving travel reimbursement is also treated as a form of employment.

The employment must meet the following criteria:

  • Be directly related to the objectives of the exchange visitor's program.
  • Be incidental to the exchange visitor's primary program activities.
  • Not delay the completion date of the exchange visitor's program.

Employment can only be authorized up to 3 months at one time.

Acceptance of employment with an organization or institution other than UCLA without prior written authorization from the Dashew Center is a violation of the EV's visa status and is grounds for terminating a visitor's participation in the exchange visitor program.

Procedures for Authorization

To apply for permission to engage in off-campus scholar employment, you must submit the Site of Activity Request Form through the MyBruin International Portal at least 10 business days before the activity takes place.

MyBruin International - Scholar Services

The form will ask you to upload the following two documents:

  • Letter from the prospective employer setting forth the terms and conditions of the offer including its duration, number of hours, field or subject, amount of compensation, and description of such activity. There is no limitation as to the maximum or minimum amount of compensation the exchange visitor may receive.
  • Letter from the Department Chair or Faculty Supervisor explaining how the activity would enhance your program and that it will not interfere with the activities at UCLA.

If consistent with the purpose and objectives of the exchange visitor's program, the Dashew Center will prepare the required written authorization and add the employer site to your SEVIS record. Processing time is 10 business days. You will be emailed once the authorization letter is prepared.