UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center
The Arthur Ashe Student Health & Wellness Center is an accredited, on-campus health facility designed specifically to meet the needs of all currently registered UCLA students. They offer convenient, accessible, high-quality healthcare to students with and without UCSHIP.
- DOWNLOAD THIS HELPFUL GUIDE FOR FUTURE USE: Please see this comprehensive guide on how to use the healthcare system at UCLA.
Who can use The Ashe Center?
- All currently registered UCLA students can use The Ashe Center, including international students with or without UCSHIP
- A UCLA student who was registered or graduated in the previous academic term. This information applies to the academic year, not summer period
- UC students who have purchased the non-registered voluntary UC SHIP
- Other UC students that provide proof of current registration from their home school
How to make an appointment at The Ashe Center:
- For your first appointment, you will want to visit The Ashe Center in person (first floor, downstairs at The Ashe Center) or call by phone at 310-825-4073 to speak to a scheduler.
- For all future appointments: You can make any future appointments conveniently on The Ashe Center Patient Portal by going to The Ashe Center website ( www.studenthealth.ucla.edu ) and clicking on “Patient Portal” in the top right corner of the page.
When logged into your Patient Portal you will also be able to:
- Make, Cancel or Reschedule Appointments
- View your Patient Profile and change your assigned Primary Care Provider (PCP)
- Communicate with your Ashe Center doctor or nurse team via secure message
- Request medication refills from the Bruin Health Pharmacy
- Complete consent forms and upload immunization records
- Print/view itemized statements and immunizations you’ve received at The Ashe Center
Does it cost anything to use The Ashe Center?
All registered students may use the services at The Ashe Center. Many fees and services are billed directly to the UCSHIP (insurance plan) and provided at no cost to UCSHIP students.
However, if you have waived out of the UCSHIP, please note that you will be responsible for nominal charges (fees) for any services rendered at The Ashe Center. These charges will be billed to your BruinBill account.
- View the full list of fees and services available at The Ashe Center.
- View the 2024 Healthcare Guide
What is covered with the UCSHIP?
Health Insurance is mandatory for all UCLA registered students and a condition of enrollment. The UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UCSHIP) is a comprehensive major medical insurance plan, providing medical, prescription, counseling, vision and dental benefits.
Physical Health Services with UCSHIP:
- Students with UCSHIP are expected to seek all non-emergency care at The Ashe Center and they can be referred (as needed) to other network providers by their Ashe Center primary care provider (PCP).
- An Ashe Center referral is required for all non-emergent treatment in advance of care.
- The Ashe Center does not offer walk-in appointments, though same-day appointments may be available each day based on availability. If you need a same-day appointment, please call The Ashe Center scheduling line (310-825-4073) when The Ashe Center opens each day.
- If no appointments are available, you can refer to The Ashe Center AfterHours & Immediate Care resource guide for other local options for accessing care.
- Please note: Students should only visit the emergency room for emergency care.
Counseling Serviceswith UCSHIP:
For all counseling and psychological services, students must start their care at CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services). A referral must be administered by a CAPS provider for additional behavioral health treatment and services outside of CAPS.
Sydney Mobile Health App for UCSHIP:
No insurance cards are necessary to access services at The Ashe Center and CAPS. To access care in the local community, your insurance card is available through the Sydney Mobile Health app.
International Students: If you have registered your phone outside of the U.S., you currently cannot access the mobile app. However, you still have access to downloading an electronic version and printing a copy by visiting their website: Sydney, Anthem's mobile app.
More information on The Ashe Center website:
- See The Ashe Center website for a list of current UCSHIP premium fees.
Dependent Coverage
Can I waive UCSHIP if I already have another insurance plan?
In order to waive UCSHIP, you must be enrolled in a private health insurance plan that meets specific waiver requirements. Please review to The Ashe Center waiver page for more information, including the waiver criteria.
If you are not sure whether or not your private insurance plan meets the waiver criteria, please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at ucshipwaivers@ashe.ucla.edu PRIOR to the waiver deadline. If your waiver is not approved by the specified waiver deadline, you will be enrolled in a UCSHIP policy for the academic year. Note: Waiving UCSHIP is an annual process.
What can I do if The Ashe Center is closed or no appointments are available for the day?
- For emergency situations:
If you suddenly become ill or are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately; or proceed to the nearest hospital emergency department (Ronald Reagan Medical Center Emergency Room).
After you have received treatment, please contact The Ashe Center to schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment for follow-up care.
- For urgent care concerns:
If The Ashe Center is closed or no appointments are available, you can refer to The Ashe Center AfterHours & Immediate Care resource guide for urgent care options in the immediate UCLA/ Westwood area. - For routine concerns:
If The Ashe Center is closed or no appointments are available, you can refer to The Ashe Center AfterHours & Immediate Care resource guide for urgent care options in the immediate UCLA/ Westwood area.
The Ashe Center also offers a 24-hour after hours phone service that provides students a chance to speak with a registered nurse for non-emergency situations. The AfterHours Nurse Line can be accessed after The Ashe Center is closed by calling the main line at 310-825-4073.
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